Monthly Archives: December 2011

Haiku For The Season. 12.19.2011

On stark promenade / grape vines and tea lights become / a walk of angels. The grandmother tells / stories of girlhood Christmas / her hands kneading dough. Pine shadows drifting / across lavender snow peaks / winter mountain dusk. Read More

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#100WordStory Anthology. Tumblr. 12.10.2011

My first guest contributor at #100WordStory saves lives by day (seriously) but has always been one of my favorite writers. Check out the site-in-progress and enjoy!         100 Word Story Anthology

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Warm Winter Rain. Haiku. 12.7.2011

Waking up early / to a midnight shade of dawn / –city lights through fog. ~me, city Dark equals daylight / hours filled commuting in rain / –only car lights shine. ~me, city Layered winter clouds / lifted once she Read More

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100 Word Short Story. Ribbon. 12.4.2011

While waiting to cross Fifth Avenue near Fendi, a woman noticed a forgotten ribbon dropped on the sidewalk. There was something about the color of the fabric, a cool lilac, her favorite shade, that seemed appropriate to the day. The Read More

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Artists’ Salon Tonight. 12.1.2011. Woodstock Artists Association Museum

Painters, photographers, film makers, writers, musicians, video artists: The Woodstock Artists’ Salon welcomes everyone. Drop by tonight if you’re in the area. Artists Salon This Thursday December 1st at 7:00pm A message from co-founder Lenny Kislin about the Salon: “About Read More

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